Kamis, 23 April 2009

Provision of health insurance

Is it permissible to believe the person is on his health by paying an annual subscription to a health insurance company is in turn cover the expenses of treatment as needed for health, to treatment, the treatment expenses may amount to more than the amount of the contribution paid by the person on a yearly basis?


Commercial life insurance or other goods or different than the views of contemporary scholars, have tended to the opinion of the Committee on the likelihood that the permissibility of insurance of all kinds, other than life insurance, where the Commission did not consider legalizing it, and stipulated for the legalization of non-life insurance to be within the limits of compensation actual damage, and not for good grapes, and, since the company was responsible for treatment includes insurance and life insurance, the Committee is of the opinion dealing with the legalization of the company in matters of their own without treatment and death, whether ordinary or accident.
And Allaah knows best.

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